Friday, June 20, 2008

A little more faith in humanity and in myself

A little more faith in humanity and in myself

Last night, as I was driving home on a fairly busy road near my house, I noticed a car on the side of the road and something big in the middle of the road. As I got closer I could see that it was a pretty big snapping turtle. Someone had stopped to try and move it but for obvious reasons wasn’t going to touch it. I drove by thinking I couldn’t do anything about it because I was in a hurry and a long list of other excuses. But, I kept thinking about it and decided that I at least needed to try and do something so I turned around. I thought that I could at least stop at the county park visitors’ center (which was just down the road) and see if someone there could move it. Well, as I arrived back at the spot, there was another vehicle parked on the side of the road and the turtle was gone. I stopped to chat with the man and asked about the turtle. With a huge smile on his face he said that he took care of it and pointed to it in the weeds, safely heading in the other direction.

I know it’s just a turtle but I felt better knowing that my neighbors would place enough value in that animal to stop and help and comforted that I at least tried. It was a good reminder to me to take a minute to think about things, be kind to others and to try and do the right thing.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I thought of you and your saving humanity when I saw a smashed turtle in the middle of 35E. :-(

Poor turtle.